8 Question Survey
to be delivered
to Congress.
George Floyd's death has touched off the largest and most sustained round of Demonstrations the country has seen since the 1960s, as well as demonstrations around the world. His killing has also prompted renewed calls to address brutality, racial disparities and impunity in American policing — and beyond that, to change the conditions that burden African-American, Latino, and Indigenous individuals.
The African Mutual Assistance Network, Inc. (AAMAN), in its capacity as an impartial, neutral and independent nonprofit, humanitarian organization, engages in dialogue with Police and Governments in numerous cities nationwide. This dialogue seeks to limit and prevent suffering among people affected by the use of Deadly Force on Nonthreatening and unarmed African-American, Latino, and Indigenous individuals. Police mandated to enforce the law in their cities play an important role in that regard since it is their responsibility to serve and protect people and communities and, in particular, to prevent and detect crime, to maintain public order and to protect and assist people in need.
When fulfilling their obligations in that respect, they are duty bound to respect the international legal framework applicable to the law enforcement task, international human rights law. AAMAN concentrates its dialogue with law enforcement agencies on a core set of human rights that are particularly relevant in the use of Deadly Force and other situations of Police Violence. The overall objective is to promote respect for the law that protects people in such circumstances to formulate a number of proposals designed to promote Police accountability and deter Police discrimination at the state and local levels, need to be addressed; and therefore, we are requesting your participation in our 10 question Survey. The topics to be addressed are as follows:
· Universal Policing
· Use of Deadly Force Policy
· Officer’s Complaint Records
· Weed-out Racist Officers
· Police "Pretext" Traffic Stops
· De-escalation techniques into traffic stops
· Call 9-1-1 and talking to police
· Robotic Police Dogs
AAMAN will send you the results of this Survey at the end of the Survey. The Survey ends January 15, 2022. The results of this Survey will be delivered by Special Carrier to Congress.
Take this important Survey now and have YOUR VOICE HEARD! Its time to ACT!
Verona Swanigan, Esq. -WI
The Swanigan Firm
Cindy L. Killion, PhD. -MN
Professor Emeritus at Winona State University
Valjean J. Adams - WI
African American Mutual Assistance Network, Inc.
Tiffany J. Adams -MI
Program Manager
African American Mutual Assistance Network, Inc